You are on the PolitePol service.

Here you can create RSS feeds for web pages from various sources on the internet for free. Not all pages can be loaded for free. For user convenience, it is recommended to register; otherwise, many features will be unavailable.

Free features:
  1. Creating, editing, and managing feeds containing Title and Description. The following functions are available:
    1. Creating using the Visual Constructor. This is a simple method where you sequentially click buttons with the field name (Title, Description, etc.) and then on the content of your page.
    2. You can use the Selector Editor. For cases where the Visual Constructor selects the wrong fields, you can use the power of XPath. Knowledge of this language is needed here, and if you have it, you can use this function. If not, try using the guide for this language. The system uses versions XPath 1.0 and XPath 2.0.
  2. Grouping feeds using Tags. If you need a mechanism for grouping feeds, you can use the Tags function. You can assign arbitrary strings to any of your feeds and manage your feeds as you like.
  3. Two feed formats are supported: XML and JSON.
  4. Registered users have access to sort and search their feeds.
There are a number of features that are only available for a fee, such as:
  1. Loading using JavaScript. Pages whose content is created dynamically rather than with plain HTML require this function. There are three loading options:
    1. Load scripts: this is loading using JavaScript. This is the fastest method.
    2. Load slow scripts: this is loading scripts over 10 seconds. This option is convenient if the first option did not work.
    3. Load very slow scripts: this is loading scripts over 25 seconds. This is the longest loading method, but in some cases the only one.
  2. Hide server IP (proxy). This option is useful if, for some reason, the server of your source blocks PolitePol servers by IP. In this case, PolitePol hides behind a list of special IPs, allowing access to content that would otherwise be unavailable.
  3. Cookie Editor. This editor allows you to manage the list of cookies sent when the system requests your resource. Sometimes the system displays some data only if certain data is present in the cookies. Cookies are a set of records, each consisting of a key and a value. More information can be found on the internet by searching for "Cookie".
  4. The ability to choose the item Date. Here, it is recommended to use the Visual Constructor. The date should be recognized automatically. If this does not happen, contact support. In other cases, the user can use the Selector Editor. In the editor, enter the date template in the Date pattern field:
    Examples: '!d !m !y' for '31 January 2024', '!y-!m-!d' for '2024-01-31'.
  5. Images. The Visual Constructor has a powerful tool for selecting images.
Interesting additional features:
  1. Feed export. You can export all your feeds in OPML format. This format is supported by most RSS reader applications.
  2. Frozen feeds. If some feeds were deleted by the system due to using paid functions in a free account or if the user used more feeds than allowed by the plan, then after a certain period, these feeds will be moved to Frozen. You can restore these feeds yourself if your plan has space for them.
  3. Notifications about frozen feeds. If some feeds are frozen, you will receive an email with this information. You can disable this feature in the user settings.
This is the most comprehensive list of features available to PolitePol users. Start using this tool if you are an active RSS user, and good luck mastering it!